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Top navigation bar

The top navigation bar is a list of links to the pages in your site. It is generated automatically from the pages in your site.

Top Navigation Bar

It contains (left to right):

  • The logo of the site
  • The announcement bar
  • The external links
  • The project github link

So lets talk about each of these:

The logo is the image that appears on the top left of the site. It is generated from the logo field in the root file. It can be customized there. It links to the root of the documentation site.

Announcement bar #

This is an optional field that can be added to the root file. It is a markdown field that can be used to display an announcement on the top of the website. Some examples could be:

  • Link to the patreon page
  • Link to the slack channel
  • New version announcement
  • New feature announcement
  • etc.

This section allows to define some external links as needed. External links come from the external_links field in the root file. It is a list of links that can be used to link to external resources. Some examples could be:

  • Link to the website (
  • Link to the merchandize page (
  • Link to related products (

Consider that links are added right to left. So the first link will be the rightmost link in the top bar.

As the name indicates, this is a link to the github page of the project. It is generated from the github field in the root file. It can be customized there. It links to the root of the documentation site.