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The file

The root file contains the configuration for the global documentation features. This file is generated by default when you run doco init and it is located at the root of the documentation folder. The file is a markdown file that contains a set of key/value pairs that are used to customize the global options of the site. It looks like this:

name: Doco
description: "Doco is a CLI tool to generate static documentation websites from markdown files."
keywords: "keywords,for,seo"
index: -1
favicon: "/assets/favicon.png"
copy: "© $YEAR Doco"
github: ""
ogimage: "/assets/ogimage.png"

  src: "/assets/logo.png"
  link: ""

  text: "Check our Github repository"
  link: ""

  - text: "Documentation"
    link: "/"

  - text: "Documentation"
    link: "/"
    icon: "menu_book"
  - text: "Repository"
    link: ""
    icon: "code"

The following sections will explain each of the options available in the file.

  • General Options
  • Quick Links
  • External Links
  • Announcement