Getting Started
Doco is delivered as a self-contained binary, making its usage and integration straightforward. The first step in utilizing Doco's full potential is to install this binary, which enables access to all its features, from converting markdown files to integrating with continuous integration workflows. This binary-focused approach ensures a streamlined and efficient user experience.
Installing #
To install download the binary from the releases page. You can find the latest release here.
Below are some examples on how to download depending on your OS and architecture.
On Mac #
$ curl -OL
$ tar -xvzf doco_Darwin_arm64.tar.gz
$ mv doco /usr/local/bin/doco
On Linux #
$ wget
$ tar -xvzf doco_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz
$ sudo mv doco /usr/local/bin/doco
Doco builds the following OSs and architectures on each release:
- Darwin_arm64
- Darwin_x86_64
- Linux_arm64
- Linux_armv6
- Linux_armv7
- Linux_i386
- Linux_x86_64
- Windows_arm64
- Windows_armv6
- Windows_armv7
- Windows_i386
- Windows_x86_64
Installing from source #
Alternatively you have Go installed in your system you can also use Go to install the Doco binary.
go install
Initializing the documentation folder #
Once the tool is installed you can run the following command to initialize the documentation folder:
doco init
This, will create the docs
folder with a few files:
- getting_started/
Browse the documentation #
Once the folder is initialized you can run the following command to generate the static website:
doco serve
This will generate the static website in the public
folder. and serve it. You can see your docs site at http://localhost:3000/. Once you're done you can stop the server with ctrl+c